
How to Enlarge Breasts Naturally, Without Medication and Without Surgery

How to Enlarge Breasts Naturally, Without Medication and Without Surgery The aspect that becomes one indicator of femininity is the breast. The existence and growth of the breast is what distinguishes the sex of women and men. This breast growth is influenced by the high estrogen level of women during puberty.

Breast is a mammary gland consisting of layers of various types of tissue, including adipose, glandular and connective tissue. Because this tissue has hormone receptors, breast size and volume fluctuations often occur based on hormonal changes in the body.

Regarding the assumption of beauty, women usually want their breasts to be perfectly shaped and ideal. Often, this assumption is embedded in the minds of the Eve so that many of them want large breasts.

One way is implants. Silicone implants in the breast and breast binding with fat can indeed increase breast size instantly. But this has risks and disadvantages.

Even to undergo surgery, various aspects are worth considering not doing it. Starting from prices to side effects and also postoperative maintenance.

Therefore, here are ways to enlarge natural breasts, without medication, and without surgery as summarized by on Wednesday (5/9/2018) from various sources.

Big Breasts Next to, Signs of Breast Cancer? (liza54500 / shutterstock)
Big Breasts Next to, Signs of Breast Cancer? (liza54500 / shutterstock)

1. Consume foods that stimulate the production of the hormone Estrogen

The first way to enlarge breasts naturally is by eating foods that stimulate the production of the hormone estrogen, or a hormone that functions primarily as a female sex hormone.

If you regularly consume these foods, then these foods will be able to help stimulate the growth of tissues in your breast, which will function to enlarge the breasts naturally. The following foods that can stimulate estrogen.

Long beans
Dried apricots
Sesame seeds

2. Masks for natural breast massage

The next way to enlarge your breasts is to use some ingredients for your breast mask. The following is a row of ingredients that can be used as masks.

Red onion
Fish oil (open the layer first, then apply directly to the breast)
Vitamin E (open the layer first, then apply directly to the breast)
Long beans
Fennel seeds

How to enlarge the breasts with the transfer of breast masks are as follows:

Choose only one of the ingredients above.
Wash first, then peel the skin.
Blend first with mashing or use a blender
After the ingredients become smooth like pasta, apply the mask by applying it evenly to all parts of the breast (avoid the nipple because it will cause pain).
Perform a gentle massage, then leave for 15 minutes while waiting for it to dry. Wash as usual.
It is recommended to take care 3 times a week.

3. Breast massage

The next way to enlarge the breasts is to do massage on the part of your breast. This massage serves to promote blood circulation, stimulate hormones and will also prevent the formation of toxins in the breast, making your breasts healthier and tighter.

Some ingredients can be used as lubricants to massage the breasts, namely olive oil, turtle oil, baby oil or serum. Perform massage gently and slowly with circular movements for 15-20 minutes. Perform treatment 2 to 3 times a week.

4. Consume natural health drinks

Health drinks from natural ingredients can be used as a natural way of raising breasts. One popular drink as a way to enlarge the breasts is ginger milk. How to make it easy, which is to provide one ginger fruit, burned, then put the grilled ginger on pure milk without sugar.

5. Betel leaves

How to naturally enlarge the breasts using betel leaves:

Prepare enough betel leaves, mix with coconut oil.
Then burn it. Then wait until it cools down.
Then place the mixture on the breast and wait for it to dry.
Repeat the treatment 2 to 3 times in one session.
Betel leaf (iStock)
Betel leaf (iStock)

6. Aloe vera

The next way to enlarge the breast is with aloe vera. Aloe vera is a natural ingredient that has been known for its benefits to treat skin beauty. K